In Revelation 13 it is talked about a beast coming from the sea (verse 1), a beast coming from the earth ( verse 11) and and a living image (or idol) of the beast (verse 14) that has to be worshipped as a god (verse 15) but in fact is a human (verse 18). Beast from the sea In Daniel 7 four beasts come from the sea: Daniel 7:3 And four great beasts were coming up from the sea, different from one another. They look like a lion, bear and leopard, but the fourth is unspecified (verses 4-7). In verse 23 it says those beasts are KINGDOMS: Daniel 7:23 “This is what he said: ‘The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth which will be different from all the other kingdoms, and will devour the whole earth and trample it down and crush it. Those kingdoms can be identified as the Babylonian empire, the Persian empire, the Greek empire of Alexander the Great which was divided among his four generals and the Roman Empire. The beast from the sea in Revelation 14 consists of a lion, b...